所在地:東京都千代田区丸の内1-5-1 新丸の内ビルディング地下1階
設計:マスタード 増田太史
Photo:Atsushi Yamahira
MITAN is the shop produced by Eric Torchon who was awarded Meilleur Ouvrier de France (M.O.F). Guests can enjoy the place in many situations such as buying canelé Financier as a souvenir, or eating and drinking in the attached bistro-style casual bar. It is neither France nor Japan, something a bit ethnic taste, not even Japanese or western. The design was planned with the key word; somewhat nostalgic, but something new. The interior combined the Japanese traditional material of copper-oxidized green blue rust board and Japanese plaster with Western ingredients such as antique bronze color stainless steel and blue gray kitchen tile, then twin Edison lamps were arranged there randomly, and the wonderful space was created. I think that it is important to make something which likely exists but not actually because it is an era where people can easily go to abroad. (Futoshi Masuda/ Masterd)
Address: B1F, Shinmarunouchi Building, 1, 5, 5, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Opening Date: 25, Oct, 2017
Design: Masterd co.,ltd Futoshi Masuda
Floor area:91.97㎡
Capacity:34 seats
Photo:Atsushi Yamahira
MITAN是被授予法国国家最优秀职人奖章(M.O.F = Meilleur Ouvrier de France)的Eric Trochon所制作的一家店舖。在这里你可以买些可露丽金砖蛋糕等拌手礼回家,或在旁边小酒馆风格的休闲吧饮食,是一个在各种情况下都能使用的场所。这个空间既不像法国也不像日本,带一些少数民族的气息,却不属于和风也不属于洋风。它让人感觉到某个部份很怀旧之外,却又有新的东西呈现。我们根据这些关键词,来进行空间的设计。室内装饰采用了经酸化处理的铜鏽板和日本传统的灰泥涂装技法,以及彷古青铜色不锈钢和西方常见的蓝灰色厨房瓷砖等素材的结合,再加上,随机排列的双灯型爱迪生灯泡吊灯,形成了一个神奇的空间。正因为这是一个人人都能轻易到达发源地(原产地)的时代,所以我们反而认为做一些看似不太可能的事情是相对重要的。 (增田太史/ Masterd)
地址:东京都千代田区丸之内1-5-1 新丸之内大厦B1F
室内设计:MUSTARD 增田太史
摄影:Atsushi Yamahira