“Door” to Foreign Cities
Located in the commercial area near JR Kawasaki Station, this is the 11-storey hotel with 35 guestrooms, bar on the basement, banquet rooms and pair-zone. They fully renovated the existing budget hotel and tenants on the basement. The exterior design was based on “DOOR”, which leads you to foreign countries once you open the door to 35 different designed rooms in seven grades. By creating the design hotel with theme and the bar & restaurant for couples on the basement, they are suggesting the hotel’s new business model, which you can enjoy dating and the hotel afterwards. (Shingo Sato/Plus F, Text by BAMBOO)
- 所在地/Address:川崎市川崎区砂子2-7-7/2-7-7 Sunako, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki
- 開業/Opening Date:2011年3月1日/March 1, 2011
- 設計/Design:プラスエフ建築設計室 佐藤慎吾/Shingo Sato, Plus F.
- 床面積/Floor Space:2187㎡
- ホテル客室数/No. of Guestrooms:35室
- Bar客席数/Seating:20席
- photo:Studio hama
- http://doors-hotel.com
- Marlin Bar
- http://marlin-bar.com
- プラスエフ建築設計室
- http://plusf.co.jp