

  • ヘアサロン「Angelico」
  • 所在地:佐賀市兵庫町大字藤木543
  • オープン:2012年7月20日
  • 設計:MOVEDESIGN  坂本幹男
  • グラフィック:北御門 遥
  • 床面積:50㎡
  • 台数:スタイリング/4台 シャンプー/3台
  • Photo:針金洋介(TechniStaff)



A women-only hair salon opened in Saga prefecture. Because the keyword of the salon is “The space for women only”, it was indispensable to make people to feel that concept at first sight. I started the space design by approaching the creation of completely different view of the world in there in order to differentiate from the surroundings. I placed a bright blue box with the function of reception in between a styling space and an external environment and made that box like a show window. That is functioning as an inciting cause to invite passersby into a salon and also an appealing show window. (Mikio Sakamoto / MOVEDESIGN)

  • Hair salon 【Angelico】
  • Location:543, Oaza Fujinoki, Hyogo-machi, Saga-shi, Saga
  • Open:July 20th, 2012
  • Designer:MOVEDESIGN  Mikio Sakamoto
  • Graphic:Haruka Kitamikado
  • Floor area:50㎡
  • Capacity:Styling 4 seats / Shampoo 3 seats
  • Photo:Yousuke Harigane (TechniStaff)


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