

  • オフィス「富士見書房/角川学芸出版」
  • 所在地:東京都千代田区富士見2-13-3
  • 開設:2011年9月20日
  • 設計:インターオフィス 吉田裕美佳+米倉則明
  • 床面積:1930㎡(2階530㎡、3階700㎡、4階700㎡)
  • photo:ナカサ&パートナーズ


This space is designed for 2 companies which are both in KADOKAWA group, the major publishing company in Japan, to share the entrance and each work floor. We aimed to create an office space where 2 companies with different cultures and histories are mixed in “Flask” and create a new culture. A communication area called “Flask” is located in the center of the work floor. Workers who pass through this area happen to meet each other and then discuss naturally. It results in the communication beyond each department and company. The same area has another function which is to refresh workers. They utilize their time, reading books, having a coffee, and working in a relaxed way. The shared entrance and waiting area gives a below idea to visitors. By walking through from the entrance to the corridor, you can feel the identities and histories of the companies just like you are in a museum. Texture of wood in a black base atmosphere set the space apart from an ordinary office. Concave meeting spaces which are also used for waiting rooms and a lounge space with a drink counter make visitors and workers to talk calmly. Histories, representative photos and works are exhibited on the walls of the corridor. They bring companies’ brand and policy not only to visitors but also to workers which is a kind of inner branding. (Yumika Yoshida + Noriaki Yonekura / interoffice)


  • Office【Fujimishobo / Kadokawagakugeishuppan】
  • Location:2-13-3, Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
  • Open:September 20th, 2011
  • Designer:interoffice Yumika Yoshida + Noriaki Yonekura
  • Floor area:1930㎡(2F 530㎡、3F 700㎡、4F 700㎡)
  • Photo:Nacasa & Partners

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